English Colonization and the Stereotype of the Irish Male

Stereotypes of Irish males have been associated with barbarism and drunkenness.  Since the start of colonization of Ireland by the British, there has been an ulterior motive to presenting the Irish as drunken fools; that motive was to dispossess the Irish of their land so the English can implant their citizens and the Scottish citizens living under English rule. Historically, we can recognize these stereotypes in the works of late 16th century English writers. John Derrick and Edmund Spenser represent the Irish culture as antithetical to the English culture in their writings on the Irish. In the twentieth century we can see how two Irish writers attempt to grapple with stereotypes of Irish men. James Joyce and Seamus Heaney both complicated the Irish stereotype by presenting male Irish characters in a distinctly human context which makes the reader get a fuller picture of why these people are who they are. It is not a direct response to the English stereotyping which happened during the colonization of Ireland, but it is a wrestling of the means of representation from those with an economic motive by those who want to honestly present the Irish world.

John Derrick wrote verse and carved wood into a story about how the Irish needed to be reformed from their Catholic ways by an arbiter from the Queen. It is based on Sir Henry Sidney, the Lord Deputy of Ireland sent by Queen Elizabeth to quell the problems in Ireland. In the wood carvings he represents the Irish as barbarous, uncivilized, disorderly, and animalistic. There are two points within the story that I would like to point to: the feast and the armies. There is a carving of an Irish feast with these lines beneath it: “These thieves attend upon the fire, for serving up a feast;/ And Friar Smellfeast sneaking in, doth preach among the best/who plays in Romish toys the ape, by counterfeiting Paul;/For which they do award him then, the highest room of all.” Clearly this writer is not a fan of Irish Catholics, to the point where he will title the head of the feast ‘Friar Smellfeast’. It is insulting and it depicts Irish culture as dirty and uncivilized. In the carving the Irish are doing all of the cooking right beside the table, there is a dog eating right beside the table, a man is pulling his ass out right beside the table, and the table itself is slanted and looks like just a large slab of wood. This goes against the British ideals of having a kitchen where all the work is done; it doesn’t fit with the hierarchical mindset of the English. Now onto the armies; there are two wood carvings which depict armies, one is the British army and the other is the Irish army. The British army is lined up in orderly formation, all of their uniforms are the same, they all have guns, and they are marching in lines to go fight the Irish. The Irish army is not in any formation, they have no guns, only spears, they don’t have any armor, and they all look disheveled. It is a subtle contrast which presents the Irish as underequipped, which wasn’t false, but it also presents them as being wholly different than the English in many respects. In these carvings we can see the beginning of the animalistic, drunken, and barbarous stereotypes of the Irish starting to solidify.

Next we can take a look at Edmund Spenser’s “A View of the Present State of Ireland.” This was written at the very end of the 16th century. This presents the Irish as licentious, murderous, thieving debauchers. It is written directly after the Desmond Rebellions, where the Irish acted out against British colonization. The work as a whole calls for the destruction of the Irish so that the British can take over the whole country. The point I would most like to emphasize is the paranoid tone that Spenser has. He represents the Irish as always doing wrong, for example in his description of Irish clothing he attempts to reason every way in which this works in favor of an Irish person doing wrong. Here is how he describes it:

“The inconveniences that thereby do arise are much more many: for it is a fit house for an outlaw, a meet bed for a rebel, and an apt cloak for a thief. First, the outlaw being for his many crimes and villainies banished from the towns and houses of honest men, and wandering in waste places; far from danger of law, makes his mantle his house and under it covers himself from the wrath of heaven, from the offense of the earth, and from the sight of men. When it rains it is his penthouse, when it blows it is his tent; when it freezes it is his tabernacle…Likewise for a rebel it is as serviceable; for [when he]…lurks in the thick woods and straight passages, waiting for advantages, it is his bed, yea, and almost all his household stuff. For the [woods are] his house against all weathers, and his mantle is his cave to sleep in…Lastly, for a thief it is so handsome, as it may seem it was first invented for him; for under it he can cleanly convey any fit pillage that cometh handsomely in his way, and when he goes abroad in the night in free-booting, it is his best and surest friend…he can in his mantle pass through any town or company, being close hooded over his head…[and] may under his mantle go privily armed without suspicion of any; carry his headpiece, his skene or pistol if he please, to be always in readiness.”

In this passage we can see how Spenser is narrowing the perspective of the use of the mantle to strictly negative terms.  He does not give concession to any positive or practical views of it and therefore ends up sounding paranoid.  This Irish stereotype is primarily wild, suspicious, and malicious.

Next we can take a look at James Joyce’s story, “Counterparts” which is now a part of the collection titled Dubliners. The story is about a man who works as a copier in a law firm. He transcribes legal documents. His boss is constantly breathing own his neck and yelling at him. He feels lots of stress. He ducks out in the middle of the day to chug a beer at the nearest pub. The man, named Mr. Farrington is supposed to represent a stereotypical middle class Irish Catholic. He is hyper masculine and described in quite a grotesque manner. The name Farrington is a play on the Irish word for man, Fir. His name can be interpreted as Mr. Man.

In the end of the story Farrington expresses abject rage at his life. He ends up going home and beating his children. The events leading up to it paint a narrative of a cog in a machine attempting to be as ineffectual as possible. He recognizes the futility of his life just before returning home. His day goes as such: At work his boss yells at him fairly violently, twice, once in front of the whole office. Then he decides to pawn his watch in order to get drinks, throughout the evening he feels dejected, emasculated, frustrated, and ends with abject rage at the fact that he did not even get drunk.

Let’s look at a key moment in the story when he feels abject emasculation followed by extreme rage:

“When Paddy Leonard called him he found that they were talking about feats of strength. Weathers was showing his biceps muscle to the company and boasting so much that the other two had called on Farrington to uphold the national honour. Farrington pulled up his sleeve accordingly and showed his biceps muscle to the company. The two arms were examined and compared and finally it was agreed to have a trial of strength. The table was cleared and the two men rested their elbows on it, clasping hands. When Paddy Leonard said “Go!” each was to try to bring down the other’s hand on to the table. Farrington looked very serious and determined.

The trial began. After about thirty seconds Weathers brought his opponent’s hand slowly down on to the table. Farrington’s dark wine-coloured face flushed darker still with anger and humiliation at having been defeated by such a stripling.

“You’re not to put the weight of your body behind it. Play fair,” he said.

“Who’s not playing fair?” said the other.

“Come on again. The two best out of three.”

The trial began again. The veins stood out on Farrington’s forehead, and the pallor of Weathers’ complexion changed to peony. Their hands and arms trembled under the stress. After a long struggle Weathers again brought his opponent’s hand slowly on to the table. There was a murmur of applause from the spectators. The curate, who was standing beside the table, nodded his red head towards the victor and said with stupid familiarity:

“Ah! that’s the knack!”

“What the hell do you know about it?” said Farrington fiercely, turning on the man. “What do you put in your gab for?”

“Sh, sh!” said O’Halloran, observing the violent expression of Farrington’s face. “Pony up, boys. We’ll have just one little smahan more and then we’ll be off.”

A very sullen-faced man stood at the corner of O’Connell Bridge waiting for the little Sandymount tram to take him home. He was full of smouldering anger and revengefulness. He felt humiliated and discontented; he did not even feel drunk; and he had only twopence in his pocket. He cursed everything. He had done for himself in the office, pawned his watch, spent all his money; and he had not even got drunk. He began to feel thirsty again and he longed to be back again in the hot reeking public-house. He had lost his reputation as a strong man, having been defeated twice by a mere boy. His heart swelled with fury and, when he thought of the woman in the big hat who had brushed against him and said Pardon! his fury nearly choked him.

His tram let him down at Shelbourne Road and he steered his great body along in the shadow of the wall of the barracks. He loathed returning to his home. When he went in by the side- door he found the kitchen empty and the kitchen fire nearly out. He bawled upstairs:

“Ada! Ada!”

His wife was a little sharp-faced woman who bullied her husband when he was sober and was bullied by him when he was drunk. They had five children. A little boy came running down the stairs.

“Who is that?” said the man, peering through the darkness.

“Me, pa.”

“Who are you? Charlie?”

“No, pa. Tom.”

“Where’s your mother?”

“She’s out at the chapel.”

“That’s right…. Did she think of leaving any dinner for me?”

“Yes, pa. I –”

“Light the lamp. What do you mean by having the place in darkness? Are the other children in bed?”

The man sat down heavily on one of the chairs while the little boy lit the lamp. He began to mimic his son’s flat accent, saying half to himself: “At the chapel. At the chapel, if you please!” When the lamp was lit he banged his fist on the table and shouted:

“What’s for my dinner?”

“I’m going… to cook it, pa,” said the little boy.

The man jumped up furiously and pointed to the fire.

“On that fire! You let the fire out! By God, I’ll teach you to do that again!”

He took a step to the door and seized the walking-stick which was standing behind it.

“I’ll teach you to let the fire out!” he said, rolling up his sleeve in order to give his arm free play.

The little boy cried “O, pa!” and ran whimpering round the table, but the man followed him and caught him by the coat. The little boy looked about him wildly but, seeing no way of escape, fell upon his knees.

“Now, you’ll let the fire out the next time!” said the man striking at him vigorously with the stick. “Take that, you little whelp!”

The boy uttered a squeal of pain as the stick cut his thigh. He clasped his hands together in the air and his voice shook with fright.

“O, pa!” he cried. “Don’t beat me, pa! And I’ll… I’ll say a Hail Mary for you…. I’ll say a Hail Mary for you, pa, if you don’t beat me…. I’ll say a Hail Mary….””

In this passage we can recognize the way in which Farrington functions as a mere cog in this bigger wheel which is fueling society. As a man, he doesn’t live up to the standard; he is neither smart nor strong, he cannot make enough money to support himself, let alone his family, he is unable to raise his children properly, and worst of all he is outraged at the fact that he did not even get drunk after a night of drinking. All of these explicate the way which Joyce believes the reasoning behind these characters existing in the real Irish world. This angry Irish male who partakes in alcoholism and domestic abuse does so because he hates his life and his world. This world is created by the capitalist systems implemented by the British and are clearly controlled by those who have maintained the power in these systems. Joyce is presenting his idea of what the stereotypical Irish middle class male Dubliner is like in this story, and in all honesty, it is just sad. Joyce does not view the middle class fondly, and he sees many issues with the systems that keep the Irish middle classes in place.

In the second half of the twentieth century, Seamus Heaney wrote “Casualty” in response to a friend of his father’s dying in a bombing done by the IRA.  This character is a fisherman who was a regular at Seamus Heaney’s father’s pub.  Seamus recounts how he remembered this man not having to say a word, but just gesture towards the high shelf in order to get a drink. This is in line with the stereotype of the drunken Irish peasant. He toils away on his boat each day, then sits in the pub and drinks. Heaney complicates this character by recounting how he asked about poetry when Seamus was back home from University. This is an encounter which makes Seamus a bit uncomfortable. He also recounts a time when he joined the old man on his boat. These moments remind the reader that this often stereotyped character is as complex as any other human being. He brings his lifestyle to the reader in a way that most people would tell a story of a relative.  Heaney puts the reader into his own perspective and relates a sort of overview of the fisherman character. He also explains how the troubles are affecting everyone in the area, and how this old character will not listen to the writing on the wall and he walks write into his own death. In similar fashion with Joyce, we must consider how this mans ritualistic life caused him to go out that night. Seamus Heaney’s lines explicate it: “He had gone miles away/For he drank like a fish/Nightly, naturally/Swimming towards the lure/Of warm lit up places./The blurred mesh and murmur/Drifting among glasses/In the gregarious smoke./How culpable was he/That last night when he broke/Our tribe’s complicity?”

From this passage we can see how Heaney is complicating the stereotype by using a cliché, drank like a fish, and then follows it with this intensely human ritualistic desire for company. He asks the question of culpability but it is clear that Heaney sees the man as guiltless because the fisherman was to follow his patterns no matter what. That is not to say that this man is always predictable, because Heaney includes another bit from when he came back from school in the lines that follow the ones previously quoted, they are as such,: “’Now, you’re supposed to be/An educated man,’/ I hear him say. ‘Puzzle me/The right answer to that one.’” This fisherman is not a stereotype, and it does not appear that Heaney is attempting to respond to stereotypes directly, but it should be noted how contemporary Irish poets present Irish characters.

Humans are complicated, and the presentation of culture is always subjective due to the inherently complex nature of each individual’s character in relation to a larger culture. From the contrast of works presented, we can see how early English colonists and later English perspectives of the Irish were often driven by economic or imperial motives, whereas we can see Irish writers attempting to present Irish people as humans with considerations for the systems which they live under. Both Irish writers present their characters in their natural environments and leaves the reader with room to question why the character acts the way they do. On the other hand, the English writers have an agenda which make them attempt to sway their reader towards a pro-imperial perspective.



Works Cited

Derricke, John. Image of Irelande. S.l.: Book On Demand, 2013. Print.


Heaney, Seamus. “Casualty.” Field Work: Poems. New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1979. Print.


Joyce, James. “Counterparts.” Dubliners,. New York: Modern Library, 1926. Print.


Spenser, Edmund, and James Ware. A View of the State of Ireland: Written Dialogue-wise Betweene Eudoxus and Irenæus. Dublin: Printed by the Society of Stationers, 1633. Print.


Reflections on Ireland Study Abroad Trip

Reflections from Ireland

            It has been a little over a week since I have returned from Ireland. I am very content with my experience. I don’t think there is anything else I would have wanted to do this summer. Overall, I have learned that I do not want to jump right into graduate school, I do not want to become an expert like the scholars at the Yeats Summer School, I do not want to be that deep of a critic as a profession, however, I have realized that I want to travel as much as possible, I want to learn as much as I can about culture through experience as opposed to just reading, I want to meet as many locals and travelers as possible all around the world, I have a passion for motion and I will not stop moving until I am burned out and have nothing left to do but settle down.

As far as studying Irish history and literature, specifically Yeats goes, I enjoyed the fact that everyone was so well informed, however, I could have done with all of the information being delivered through a whole semester instead of in just two weeks. It was a bit overwhelming and I honestly started to zone out and miss lots because it was all coming so quickly. I did really enjoy the lectures, I found them extremely informative and at times thought provoking. I loved my seminars. I almost wish I had two seminars a day in lieu of lecture. The discussions were comfortable and educational, both instructors were very good at facilitating discussions which allowed everyone to chip in.

As far as my interactions with students, from Geneseo and around the world, at the Yeats Summer School and with locals, I found that I really enjoyed the stories told by the locals. I found that they had a natural ability for telling me about their lives endearingly. I found the locals of Sligo to be the most talkative. However, I also met a very nice couple in Dublin who I spoke to for a few hours, as well as a few Americans in Temple Bar. I found a majority of people I spoke with were very friendly. I met people from all around the whole world. I definitely want to go back to Ireland. I would love to go see the places that we missed on this trip.

I think my biggest take away was that I will never critique poetry professionally. It wasn’t just scholarship in general that I was turned off of, but particularly the study of poetry. I do not really enjoy the analysis of it. There are a lot more elements which are often harder to grasp on that conceptual level of criticism. I find that prose, especially prose in historical documents, is my wheel house of analysis. I really enjoy reading older works, and I really prefer a straightforward narrative style. I really enjoy reading poems, but analyzing them to the tiniest details is so draining in my opinion. I find the abstractions are too abstract to really read into them fully.

All in all, it was one of the greatest experiences of my entire life. I will never forget the memories from this trip. I will always look fondly upon all the people I met, and I will attempt to stay friends with as many of the students as possible.  There are too many stories to recount in a reflection, but I would say that the weekend in Clifden, when I got to climb two mountains, see a beautiful beach, and drive on the Wild Atlantic Way, and watch a blues guitarist for a couple hours was my favorite place. I really enjoyed Knocknarea, Dublin nightlife, and Derry’s history as provided by the Bogside Artist as well.  I would do it again ten out of ten and would definitely recommend to any and all students who ask me about it.

The Culture of Migration in Ireland

Ireland is a country with a tumultuous past littered with violence and political upheaval. It has always been a place dominated by English colonization and eventually on their achievement of independence. One of the biggest elements of Irish culture, however, is the fact that Irish people have been scattered throughout the whole world, for myriad reasons, which I will attempt to extricate with historical analysis, literary and artistic analysis, and with anecdotal evidence gathered while in Ireland. I will focus on the largest mass migration of this nation’s history, the famine. I will also look at the contemporary life of emigration in Ireland. Lastly, I will add a personal touch by recounting to the best of my ability the experience of my great-grandfather who emigrated over in the first half of the twentieth century. In the end, I hope to get a detailed perspective on the way in which the Irish have been moved, and have decided to move around in this world.


The most famous moment of the Irish diaspora is undoubtedly the mass exports of people which occurred during the Great Famine. From 1845-1852 there was a famine which was caused by an agricultural system which was based upon creating crops for the English to export; the system is mostly responsible for the famine because the problem was not based on the fact that Ireland couldn’t grow crops, just that the peasants only ate potatoes and in those years there were terrible potato blights, hence the famine. Ireland was still exporting crops in those years.

A great example of British negligence towards the Irish during the Famine is the point that the Queen only contributed £1,000 towards relief efforts. That basically set a cap for any other aristocrat who wished to send relief. It was not an outright refusal to help, however, it definitely fits into the colonial narrative which originally set out for the indigenous Irish to be put out of existence.

According to an article on IrishCentral.com, which quotes the book of an Irish historian;

“Between 1845 and 1855, approximately one-quarter of the inhabitants of an entire European nation, amounting to some 2.1 million persons, were permanently removed from their homeland…Over 95% of those who left Ireland during the Famine traveled across the Atlantic and about 70% of all emigrants who arrived in the United States settled – typically in cities of over 100,000 – in seven northerly states: New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois and Massachusetts…Approximately 1.1 million died and over a million emigrated during the Famine. The population of Ireland plummeted from almost 8.2 million in 1841 to 6.5 million in 1851…A great number of these emigrants had never previously ventured outside their own local areas…Suddenly, they found themselves transported thousands of miles away: from a rural to an urban landscape, to a very alien social environment where the inhabitants didn’t speak the same language and, frequently, showed a deep loathing for their Irishness and their Catholicism. This was bewildering and devastating to them…Chief among the stigmas endured by the Famine Irish and inherited by their children, was the “brand of their Irishness” and, consequently, their inferiority. But for them – and subsequent generations – this was eased by the succour of Irish neighbourhoods, particularly the trinity of the Catholic Church, Irish cultural societies and major political organisations, until demography, democracy and economic success enabled the Irish to tentatively assimilate within the majority society.”

From this we can infer that the emigrants from the Famine went through a very specific struggle, one that is dominated with an arduous journey followed by an intensely new and uncomfortable surrounding which the Irish eventually had to become accustomed to. It is a narrative of perseverance, of unity through adversity, and through abject suffering which was ignored by so many around the world. It is also the largest mass emigration of a Western European country of that century. It is a landmark event which changed the way in which Ireland would define its national identity. It also stands as a marker for American-Irish identity. Many Americans are of Irish descent and as children we learn of the Famine in school and it resonates with a deep cultural history for those who connect with their Irishness.  As for the note in the article about the ease of struggle through large Irish Catholic neighborhoods, I can confirm that families would band together and help each other to bring up the whole community. My mother grew up in Rockaway, Queens which is predominantly Irish, and she has told me many stories of how everyone knew everyone and if you were in need you could knock on a neighbors door and they would help you. There is still solidarity among the Irish in those communities where there are large numbers of them.

In Ireland the Famine is commemorated in a variety of ways. There is the Famine museum at Strokestown park, where they do a great job of capturing the events that happened there and discussing how representative they are of the whole country. They have a replica of a room on a ship which they would cram Irish people into. They also have many accounts from the townspeople of how terrible life really was. There are models of the workhouses which the poor Irish were forced to go into if they had no work and no food. There are even original plans and documents from the time period. All of these elements paint a narrative of oppression, they tell a sad story of the way in which landlords viewed the issue economically, and the conclusion was that it was cheaper to get a ship and send them away than to pay taxes for them to be in the workhouses. This is a story which happened all over Ireland. Walking through the Big House at Strokestown, where the gardens were bountiful and the house was made to look larger than it actually is, just to send a message, made me realize the arrogance, the ignorance, and most importantly, the negligence practiced by these aristocratic Anglo-Irish landlords. Another interesting note about Strokestown is the fact that they have the widest street in all of Ireland, and on this street they would parade into their Big House; when they would do this, there would be a person who would inform the townspeople that they must vacate all public areas and hide in their houses because the landlords did not want to see the people who worked under him. It is this head-in-the-sand approach which I find to be most disturbing.

Elsewhere in Ireland there is a Famine memorial on the Sidewalk. In Dublin, right in front of the Customs House, there are seven statues of emaciated people walking with their belongings. Each statue has a plaque in front of it which gives the family name and a small bit of their story. In Toronto, there are the exact same statues. This is representative of the transatlantic nature of Irish emigration during the Famine. It is also representative of the way in which the Famine is remembered in Ireland and abroad. There is a direct parallel between the memory of the Irish in Ireland and the memory of the Irish in America and Canada.


You can see how bedraggled all of these people look. There is a look of terror on all of their faces. Many are carrying children and their belongings, and there is even a dog statue. Everything that these people knew was shattered. Their lives were turned upside down and they had to build up from nothing a whole new life in a whole new place. It truly is a great tragedy of the 19th century.

In the Famine museum there was a painting done by an American-Irish artist which is representative of the American memory of the Famine. It is titled, “Farewell, farewell, and what more receive my blessing from this shore. Here shall I weep by the sea, waiting your return to Erin and me.”


I apologize for the quality of the photo. The little plaque beside it reads as follows:

“In the second half of the 19th century, emigration became the single most important reality of Irish life. It also became a resonant political image, used by nationalists, to indict British rule in Ireland. This political characterization of emigration became a potent one for Irish emigrant populations abroad, who saw themselves as the ‘poor banished children of Eve’, victims of heartless British policy.

In this American image, Ireland is represented, characteristically, as a female figure, weeping over the miseries of Ireland as the sun sets. The various antique fragments, the round tower, the ruined abbey, are all that is left of a once great culture which has endured centuries of hardship and which still suffers the loss of its brightest and best through emigration. On the shore, an old man and some children weep while the able-bodied young men row out to the ship which will take them across the Atlantic. This image illustrates how deeply the emigration experience shaped the consciousness of both Ireland and Irish-America, and how it functioned as a highly charged political and national symbol.”

The narrative on both sides of the Atlantic is always one which grapples with the political nature of the Famine. It is also one which has a view of the British as unhelpful and at fault for the tragedy.


With such a tragedy there were obviously effects which continually influenced the population. Those that survived the famine found themselves in a position where they were guilty because they witnessed so many people die, and many experienced the shattering of families and the loss of their homes. With this fragmented Irish Catholic population there was still a large number of immigrants. With organizations like the Fenian Brotherhood forming in America, along with the large number of Irish who had emigrated during the Famine, the Irish population still had factors which were pulling them to the other side of the Atlantic.   According to Paul Milner’s study, “Irish Emigration to North America: Before, During, and After the Famine”, : “[The] Highest areas of emigration [were] from west Munster (Kerry, Cork & Clare) and parts of Connaught (Leitrim & Galway). During the US Civil War Union recruiters encouraged Irish laborers to emigrate. During this period increasing numbers of young marrieds and single women, plus many widows and parents emigrating to join families. Between 1851-1891 – 4 million emigrants sailed from the shores of Ireland.”

According to Irial Glynn,  in the portion on Ireland in her study titled “Emigration Across the Atlantic: Irish, Italian, and Swedes 1800-1950” the population dropped from 6.5 million in 1851 to 4.4 million in 1911.  She continues; “Post-Famine emigrants departed for more varied reasons, including the declining demand for agricultural labour, the fall in wages in Ireland relative to the United States, the desire to avoid or postpone marriage, and the accumulation of extensive contacts between Ireland and the Irish community in North America.” She also cites the decline in domestic industry, the shift in farming from tillage to pasture, and the increasingly impartible nature of Irish inheritances whereby farms were passed on in their entirety to the eldest son rather than being divided among all sons as other reasons for continual emigration. She also notes how things changed after Independence, “People of all religions continued to depart the newly independent southern Irish state even after it gained its independence from the United Kingdom in 1922. Catholics left because of the prospect of greater prosperity elsewhere; Protestants emigrated because of the prospect of an Irish Free State dominated by the Catholic Church and more limited economic opportunities. A major shift in the direction of Irish emigration occurred from the mid-1920s onwards due to new American immigration quotas and the effects of the Great Depression in America throughout the 1930s. Consequently, many Irish people chose instead to move to the United Kingdom, as no travel restrictions applied between the two countries.”

The period directly after Independence and the Irish Civil War which ensued is when my great-grandfather on my mother’s father’s side emigrated over. The year was 1926 and he came through Canada and two years later his wife joined him in New York City. We know that his wife was on the ship known as Laconia, but we are unsure of the name of the ship he came over on. They lived in Yorkville and he worked as a subway motorman for forty years. Yorkville is located in the Upper East Side of Manhattan. He lived there until the 1950’s at which time he moved out to Queens County, specifically the Sunnyside area.

He was heavily involved in the creation of the Transport Workers Union of America with Mike Quill.  Mike Quill was heavily entrenched in Irish nationalism. His work in the New York subway system unionization was influenced by the famed Dublin union leader Jim Larkin, as well as James Connolly, and Patrick Pearse. He also utilized resources provided by the American Communist Party.

According to my Uncle John, our family historian, my great-grandfather spent lots of time with Mike Quill. He worked in subways his entire life and definitely partook in many actions related to the building up of the union. My uncle also mentioned how his father, my grandfather, was very close with Mike Quill’s son, John Daniel Quill.  John Daniel owned a luncheonette in Rockaway, New York. This was a hot bed for Irish culture, and for union activity. This is an example of the way in which Irish neighborhoods set up systems to build up from the inside out. Everyone helps each other so the community can grow as a whole. My grandfather chose to stay out of unions and worked as a book-keeper and an off Broadway actor.

The tradition of Irish as unionized laborers has not stopped in my family however; my Uncle John has been very active in the plumbers union of New York for as long as I can remember, and now his oldest son is working in a plumbers union in Portland, Oregon.

Life for my great-grandfather, James Gordon Feeney, lived a rough life. His original plan was to come over for a year and work and save money, then return back to Ireland and do better at supporting the family and farm with his savings from working in America. He worked 7 days a week, 12 hours a day. There was no medical coverage back then. My uncle recounted how there was a sign in the shop that said, ‘If you’re not there on Sunday, don’t bother coming in on Monday.’ Sadly for my great-granddad he moved to Queens and struggled to adjust to the larger streets there. In the Upper West Side the streets are big enough for just two cars, and sometimes only one. In Queens, where he lived, there is a boulevard, Queens Boulevard, that is three lanes on each side. My great-grandfather got hit by a car while crossing this very large street. He ended up spending all of his savings on medical bills after that and eventually had to retire.

As far as his life in Ireland before he left, James Feeney was born in the small, sea-side town of Easky. His family had a farm about five miles from the shore where they grew potatoes and other vegetables. They also had a small amount of livestock which included geese, sheep, and chickens. He married my great-grandmother in Ireland. She was basically the girl from the farm next to his. They moved into a house that was right beside his farm after they got married. That house was there until just a couple of years ago. The house where my great-grandmother was born is still there, it is now used as a barn. James Feeney was not a highly political person. He was 16 when Easter 1916 happened. There is no account of him having any involvement in any violence, political or otherwise. However, his wife once witnessed a gun battle that happened during the Irish Civil War. There is suspicion of political involvement due to the fact that there are papers from the American Bureau of Justice which basically said that he was cleared to enter the country. We are not sure if those were standard or if he was just being considered as a possible rebel.

Both James and his wife came from big families. He was one of 10 and he was the only son that survived. James and his wife went on to have five kids, 2 boys and 3 girls. One of the boys went on to be a priest and the other was my grandfather. Their lives were not the best. James’s wife experienced a lot of homesickness and depression while here. They were always working and poor. Life was a struggle, but the work they laid down helped to make their kids lives easier, and then my grandfather did the same, and now both my parents are doing the same for me. It is truly a narrative of perseverance through adversity in order to bring yourself from the worst to the best.

Before moving on to contemporary emigration, I would like to take a look at a story written before Independence in Ireland. It is titled “Eveline” and it is by James Joyce. It is included in his short story collection, Dubliners. The story is about the way in which one girl gets a chance to leave but is too paralyzed by her sense of duty in Ireland to get on the boat with the man who promises her a better life in Buenos Aires. The end of the story is gripping and sad, all at once. Here are the final few paragraphs:

“She stood among the swaying crowd in the station at the North Wall. He held her hand and she knew that he was speaking to her, saying something about the passage over and over again. The station was full of soldiers with brown baggages. Through the wide doors of the sheds she caught a glimpse of the black mass of the boat, lying in beside the quay wall, with illumined portholes. She answered nothing. She felt her cheek pale and cold and, out of a maze of distress, she prayed to God to direct her, to show her what was her duty. The boat blew a long mournful whistle into the mist. If she went, tomorrow she would be on the sea with Frank, steaming towards Buenos Ayres. Their passage had been booked. Could she still draw back after all he had done for her? Her distress awoke a nausea in her body and she kept moving her lips in silent fervent prayer.

A bell clanged upon her heart. She felt him seize her hand:


All the seas of the world tumbled about her heart. He was drawing her into them: he would drown her. She gripped with both hands at the iron railing.


No! No! No! It was impossible. Her hands clutched the iron in frenzy. Amid the seas she sent a cry of anguish.

“Eveline! Evvy!”

He rushed beyond the barrier and called to her to follow. He was shouted at to go on but he still called to her. She set her white face to him, passive, like a helpless animal. Her eyes gave him no sign of love or farewell or recognition.”

From this passage we can see how Eveline is literally stuck in this situation. She cannot let go of the iron railing and follow this man onto the boat. She is devastated by the prospect of leaving her life in Ireland behind. She is paralyzed by the fact that there is so much she would be leaving behind. However, in typical fashion of James Joyce, there is an underlying joke here. Eveline is the name of the main character from  a Victorian era French pornographic novel. Also, it is widely known within Ireland that going to Buenos Aires is a euphemism for going into prostitution. So the readership in Dublin would have gotten this silly joke and would have believed Eveline made the right choice in staying. However, it is important to understand how this speaks to the larger topic of emigration; Joyce is presenting women’s chances abroad as having minimal opportunity in anything besides the world’s oldest profession. He is also explicating the fact that women would be dependent on men when going abroad. He is showing how there is a lack of opportunity abroad and an excess of adherence to duty at home. It is a strange dichotomy that really leaves women with no opportunity to better themselves. Joyce himself was an emigrant out of Ireland, opting to live in Trieste for the latter portions of his life. He found it absolutely necessary to leave Ireland and he brought his new bride with him. There are always strange dichotomies within such a drastic decision. In this story we get a sense of how the culture at home affects the way in which one views the possibility of leaving. This is definitely an experience which many Irish people dealt with often, considering the fact that at least one quarter of the rural population must deal with at least one family member leaving.

Contemporary Emigration

While you might expect that those who emigrate are those who are poor, under educated, and of a lower class generally, however, it is more common for those with an education to go abroad. Most of the people leaving do so on short term work or study visas, but many intend on staying longer than the visa allows.

In a report put together by the Irish Research Council in cooperation with the Department of Geography and the Institute for the Social Sciences in the 21st Century at University College Cork titled “Irish Emigration in an Age of Austerity”, three scholars, Irial Glynn, Tomas Kelly, and Piaras MacEinri use statistical research and anecdotal evidence to provide a comprehensive account of what emigration is like in today’s Ireland.  For the purpose of this project, I will be pulling their statistics and conclusions and filling in with my own personal experiences with emigrants while I was abroad and in New York.

Emigrants all have different stories. Each one has their own unique reasons for leaving. However, there are some statistics which are representative of the larger picture of emigration, and they aren’t all as typical as one might expect. For starters, 47% of today’s emigrants were employed in full-time jobs before leaving. Just under 40% of these emigrants left because they wanted to travel and to experience another culture. These were often people with qualifications that other countries coveted, such as IT skills or health professionals.

Underemployment is a motivating factor for some, with 13% of emigrants working in part-time jobs before their departures. Most were recent graduates seeking better prospects. Almost 23% of those leaving were unemployed before departing.

The vast majority, over 70%, of emigrants are aged in their twenties when they depart. There is roughly equal divide between the 20-24 and 25-29 age cohorts. Over 15% of emigrants are aged in their thirties, with approximately twice as many in the first half of their thirties.

The UK and Australia are the two most popular destinations for Irish emigrants. Canada is becoming an increasingly important destination as well.  Emigration effects the rural parts of Ireland more than urban areas. At least one household in four in the most rural areas has been directly affected by the emigration of at least one member since 2006.

According to the report on emigration, emigrants gave an average rating of 5.5 out of ten for their quality of life at home before departure, and then gave an average rating for life abroad at a 7.9 out of ten. Clearly most emigrants find going abroad to be an enriching experience.

With that said, I would now like to share some personal stories from my experience with Irish emigrants in America. I have met a good handful and all of them treat me as if I am also Irish just based on my red hair and freckles. I often talk to them about their lives, and in general I have found that most emigrants were working at home and not feeling very fulfilled. They found an opportunity to come to the states and many thought it would only be a year or so, and many never go back to Ireland. Some had no choice; their parents brought them over at a young age and they look upon America as their home, not as Ireland. I have met a couple of Irish who decided to come back after spending time abroad. One man that I met spent six years working on the horse and carriage rides in Central Park. He told me that he came back because of the woman he loved. It’s a very sweet story when you think about it. A few immigrants I have met in America told me that they stayed here because they met their husband here.

Considering that the majority of those who emigrate nowadays are people in their twenties, I would like to share a story of a woman I met in New York City. I was walking around with this project bubbling in my brain and I decided to stop into the first Irish bar that I saw. I wandered in and asked the lady behind the counter if any of the employees were from Ireland. She gladly answered yes in an Irish accent.

This girl is named Grace Teeling. She is from Dublin and she had previously done a J1 visa where you are basically studying abroad in the United States. Now she was just over here working, trying to save some money and have some fun. She works at Wolfe Tone’s Irish Pub and Kitchen which is E 29th street between Park and Madison. While she couldn’t exactly remember what Wolfe Tone did, she did tell me a bit about her life as an emigrant. She told me how most people are expected to go abroad after University. She also mentioned how most people are looked upon with admiration, as if to say ‘atta boy’; however, all emigrants are dearly missed by their family and friends who stay in Ireland. It is not an easy decision. It tears you away from everything you have known for your whole life and you have to start up new. She told me a bit about her life: She is one of 6 kids, the youngest by ten years. She is going to school for business and would like to work in human resources or finance or something with people in business. She has one year of college left to finish and we wished each other the best of luck as we were in similar positions. Grace has one brother in Australia and her family works in hard labor and home making. After she is finished with school she plans on coming back to America.

Grace also told me about the community of emigrants in New York City. She mentioned how there was a Facebook group which linked together many of the Irish people visiting New York who were of a similar age. This page is used to plan outings, help people with lodging, and any other communication that is necessary between the young emigrants.

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From this series of analyses we can recognize that there is a complex history and culture related to the Irish diaspora. It is a continual process of people moving from Ireland all around the world. The reasons are different for every person and every story has its unique elements which only the individual who must deal with emigration can really grasp fully. However, from this study we can recognize that the people who emigrate are not always in need of jobs, they are not usually poor and uneducated, they are often people who want to get more worldly experience, people who are interested in experiencing different cultures, people who want to see what life outside of Ireland is like, and most importantly, they are all people with complex individual stories that cannot be generalized. Every single emigrant makes the decision to move based on a number of factors that are unique to them. Many do it because they have familial connections abroad and would like to get a taste of the life of another country, some need to find better opportunities in other countries because Ireland doesn’t have much to offer them, and many are even expected to go abroad if they just finished college and do not have a job lined up immediately. It is a way to get valuable experience for future career options. It is also very fun for many emigrants, they come to America or Canada to work, study, and have fun. It is not all so serious, like the times of necessity when people were being shipped out of Ireland because they had no job, no home, and only a workhouse to go into. We must remember that there is a long history of Irish emigration which is ongoing. It is particular to the culture of Ireland that they have been spread all around the world. There are Irish communities all over and if an Irish citizen wants to experience a new country, all they must do is find the places where Irish have settled and it is likely that they will find some opportunity.


Works Cited

Daly, Brendan. “Facts about Great Famine Emigration out of Ireland Revealed.” IrishCentral. 24 Mar. 2014. Web. 19 Aug. 2015.
Glynn, Irial. “Emigration Across the Atlantic: Irish, Italians and Swedes Compared, 1800–1950 — EGO.” EGO. Web. 19 Aug. 2015.
Glynn, Irial, Tomas Kelly, and Piaras MacEinri. “Irish Emigration in an Age of Austerity.” Web. 19 Aug. 2015.
Joyce, James. “Eveline.” Dubliners,. New York: Modern Library, 1926. Print.
Milner, Paul. “Irish Emigration to North America: Before, During, and After the Famine.” Web. 19 Aug. 2015.
Special thanks to John Feeney, Grace Teeling, and all the others who provided me with personal information on their experience with going abroad. I greatly appreciate all of the depth of information and experience that the locals of Ireland and the Irish-Americans I spoke to provided me. I hope to continue this conversation with as many Irish people as I can, as well as people from other countries. It is important to understand migration in order to get a better understanding of America, the nation of immigrants. I found this whole experience to be generally enlightening when it comes to the concept of emigration and the forces behind it. I have learned about the many different reasons why people come and go; also, I have come to understand the complexity of it all in a new light. Every single person must balance a bunch of factors to decide what life they want to live. Going abroad is a very big decision which doesn’t always pay off in the end, however, for many it was better than working a dead-end job in Ireland. When talking to any immigrants, I will now have a new found respect for the struggles which they have endured; I hope this study provides a reader with similar feelings.