Behind the Project

To our visitors,

Welcome to our website! You may have noticed that we put a heavy focus on Irish immigrants in America, and came here to find out why we found this topic interesting. After all, there are many other topics that we could have researched that are, well, to be perfectly frank a bit more exciting. However, you will find that by going through or website, we hope that you will come away with a newfound respect for this topic. Initially, we decided to focus on Irish immigration in America simply because we all at some point have celebrated a St. Patrick’s day, be that by participating in a parade, by dressing up in green, or even just by having some potatoes for dinner. We realized that Irish immigrants and their traditions have all impacted us in some way or another, either through our own personal heritage or just through established cultural norms. Therefore we decided to explore more deeply into this and find out how our Irish relatives or neighbors were impacted by the 1916 Uprising.

In an even broader sense, we chose immigration because while we all aren’t Irish, we do have one thing in common: we are all related to immigrants. So even though this is only through an Irish perspective, it’s clear to see the resemblance of how other immigrants are also able to connect America with their home country. Not only this but immigration is such a hot topic in America currently that we thought it would be interesting to compare immigrants from the past and those from the present to see different reactions.

Once again, thank you for visiting! We hope that you enjoy our website and learn something new from it!

Slán go foill,

Chelsea, David, Elisa, and Sean

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