Bobby Sands Quote

Bobby Sands Quote
Bobby Sands Quote

The most fascinating aspect about the murals along the wall of the West Bank is the transcendence of language barriers. It serves as a reminder of the universality of art and the power an image can evoke within a viewer. The wall of the West Bank is a daily and constant reminder of the barrier that separates Israel and Palestine; creating a world of distance and fostering increasing hostilities. The inscription along the wall needs no supplement or introduction, “Our revenge will be the laughter of our children.” Simply signed, “Bobby Sands, Irish Hunger Striker.” Bobby Sands’ unwavering dedication to his cause reverberates globally amongst all of those fighting for freedom. The thousands of innocent lives across borders from Ireland to Palestine that have been lost in the fight for freedom have redefined the cost of sacrifice to end sectarian violence. The marginalization of children in Palestine is eerily similar to the injustice the children of Northern Ireland faced during the Troubles. Peace for the children of Palestine still has a long way to come as William Parry writes, “74 per cent of Palestinian children live below the poverty line… Children live in communities without sewage systems and more than half of their homes do not have adequate or even legal connections to the water supply” (Parry 140). The possibility that suffering can be universal is alarming and severely saddening. Sectarian conflict continues to be an issue plaguing the Palestinians. Quotes inscribed along the wall of the West Bank are fairly common, however, the Bobby Sands quote is one of the few born from an international conflict.

Political Murals of Bogside and Palestine

Bobby Sands and the Hunger Strikers

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