Bogside Children Recreate Guernica

Bogside Children Recreate Guernica

This re-imagination of Picasso’s magnum opus is a direct allusion to the Troubles.

Unlike Picasso’s piece this recreation is a vibrant, colorful work devoid from any harsh tones, instilling within the viewer a hopeful, joyous tone. Although seemingly elementary, upon closer glance the viewer will notice various allusions to sectarian violence as well as peace. Three phrases span the width of the mural, “Be Safe” “Peace” and “Share the World”. On the upper right hand corner is a white dove, mirroring the winged bird on the upper left hand corner of Picasso’s Guernica.

Another allusion to the peace process is found in the international flags strung along the border across the top of the mural. From left to right, the national flags of India, the United States of America, China, and Poland serve as a reminder that sociopolitical conflict exists on a global scale. The rhythm of the mural is interrupted by three divides; the car up in flames towards the bottom of the composition and the two fish up to the middle of the mural. The divide creates a barrier between the unionists and the tricolor loyalists on the opposite corners of the bottom of the mural. The large teardrop, the even larger evil eye, the rising sun, and the fish mesh together in the middle ground serving as another homage to Guernica. In Picasso’s Guernica the body of the wounded horse meshes into the body of the bull and the dismembered body parts blend into one another. The asymmetry of the foreground and middleground function as a reminder of the unevenness plaguing Northern Ireland due to sectarian conflict.

Political Murals of Bogside and Palestine

Guernica Re-Imagined


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